Coaching is a conversational-based approach, which provides a non-judgmental, open, collaborative and confidential space between coach and client. The meaningful conversation is focused on the client’s own thoughts, challenges, outcomes and goals.
It is a journey of reflection, discovery and self awareness combined with actions.
Along the way coaching creates clarity of purpose and direction, challenges limiting beliefs and self talk, and encourages clients to move towards successful resolution on their issues.
The Importance of questions into coaching: questions are the mechanism to create a thinking space, they move people from unclarity to clarity, shift perspectives and are the engine to push people into actions. Actions lead to change.
If I had one hour to solve a problem and my life depends on the solution,
I would spend the first 55 minutes determining the proper questions to ask. - A. Einstein
During our journey, please don’t confuse coaching with counselling, mentoring or training.
Focused on the past
Usually open-ended
Clients come with problems, usually of an emotional nature.
Focused on the future; the past is visited for learning for future focus
Normally uses fixed duration (although not set in stone)
Clients come with both positive and negative issues
Requires experience and knowledge in the area being mentored
Often uses advice
Usually related to a profession
Doesn’t require any experience or knowledge of the area being coached
Non-advisory (although there may be times that advice is appropriate)
Non professional-specific
Largely pre-defined agenda set by trainer
Higher trainer involvement
Knowledge and solutions mainly held by trainer
Open agenda based around client
Higher client involvement
Knowledge and solutions are to be found in the client