EXECUTIVE coaching
Never as today the work environment is changing rapidly and constantly.
Organisations require to be agile, flexible and adaptable which is a challenge for leaders and teams.
From hiring, promoting or supporting leaders who are facing demanding situations, executive coaching brings clarity to the leader on the overall leadership journey, as well as giving to the organisation clear visibility over what and how much their leaders are improving.

A leadership transition takes place when a leader shift to a new position within the same or new organisation: promotion, secondment, changing organisations, returning from maternity/paternity/career leave.
Many leaders in transitions experience emotional and professional challenges and it is important to be equipped to handle them.
Perception is what people believe about you and what you believe about them. How people perceive you become who you are.
Who decides if a leader is effective? The leader or their coworkers? Yes, their coworkers!
So is crucial to manage how your stakeholders perceive you.
There are different styles of leadership, and each of them have a different impact in an organisation.
Knowing your leadership style helps you to motivate and manage others, provide guidance and feedback to your team, and be more aware on how you make decisions. Knowing this allows you to proactively address areas of improvement.
Career development is a life long process of self-knowledge and discovery, defined by work experiences, learnings and decision makings that during your lifetime bring you closer to your ideal job and profession. It doesn't end when you finish university, choose an occupation or land your "ideal job or organisation".
It is the process of being up-skilled in your sector through education and training or been professionally reskilled in case of a career change/transition.

As executive and leadership coach I will facilitate your leadership development process and help you to pace through your leadership change, in a disciplined and systematic way.
Although our engagement is for a fixed period of time, I will provide you with all the resources you will need to continue to be more and more successful moving forward with the support of your co-workers.
I work one-to-one with managers, leaders and executives by offering a leadership and
executive program called 360 Feedforward coaching process.
The executive leadership coaching programme starts with Committed Start, followed by the Growth phase
In this phase together we will work in selecting 2 areas for growth that are important to you and your organisation. We will determine this based on same psychometric test (360).
Once you as a leader has committed to which behaviours to improve, we will select relevant co-workers that will support you with your development journey.
Once co-workers are onboarded, we will take the process forward to the Growth phase.
This is a future-focused Monthly feedforward cycle which will include three steps:
asking for suggestions to improve your growth areas,
reflect on the suggestions received and create a monthly action plan,
act on the suggestions given by sharing and implementing the action plan.
The objective of the 360 Feedforward Coaching process is threefold:
First, you grow as a leader by becoming measurably more effective
Second, is to transfer this leadership growth process to you so that you can continue to develop yourself
And third, roll it out to your team which will make you an even better leader coaching your team.
Quarterly work:
As we can only manage what we can measure, the growth phase also includes quarterly measuring leadership growth. Each quarter we will ask leaders and co-workers how much change they have seen in the past 3 months.
Although we will work together for a fixed period of time, I will provide you with all the resources you need to continue to be more successful going forward.
Available for a discovery call with individuals and organisations.
People are talking ...
"Monica has a great combination of professionalism and positivity. I had a couple of side projects I wanted to do but never got around to. They required significant time when I am time poor. Monica helped me structure my plans so they were achievable. But most of all having Monica as a coach made me accountable to her for delivering my plans stepwise. Monica's positivity meant I did not want to let her down. I continue to keep Monica abreast of my progress. Monica is a great motivator. I heartily recommend her."
CTO - London

"I contacted Monica about 2 months ago because I was at a place in my life where I needed help. I left my job in banking and knew that I did not want to go back, but I was confused about my next step and direction. Monica helped me to clarify my goals. She helped me to identify my values, which in turn helped me to find my new direction. In the process of working with Monica I also understood what holds me back and what needs to be done to overcome that. I am on my new journey now. I did a course that helped me to look for a different type of job. A job that I am looking forward to. Monicas help was incredibly important during the confusing time in my life. I would recommend her to anyone who is at crossroads in their life and is in need of a new direction."
Change Management Consultant - London